Thank you volunteers and congrats to the players (2023-24 edition), News (Windsor Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 05, 2025 | admin | 200 views
Thank you volunteers and congrats to the players (2023-24 edition)
We know that this is long overdue but it is better to be late than never post the contribution to our volunteers and praise players who deserved their awards in the past (2023-2024) season.

Volunteers are the pillars of the minor hockey experience. Without them, the game’s foundation would crumble. Every role is crucial from administrative staff to coaches, trainers, team managers, and parent liaisons. The children in Windsor Minor and our community owe their hockey experiences to your dedication. Plus, it’s far more exciting than just being a regular hockey parent, right? Your commitment, time, and determination benefit your teams and the Windsor Minor Hockey Association as a whole. When we look back in 10, 20, or 30 years at the hockey experiences we provided, especially during the two toughest years of our lives, we’ll be immensely proud of our collective achievements. So, please, raise your glass and join me in toasting all the volunteers at Windsor Minor Hockey. To the volunteers!

Each year, WMHA recognizes key players on teams within our house league

programs. These players exemplify resilience, leadership and a true sense of

team. The three main awards are for: Most Team Spirit, Most Improved and Most

Dedicated. Please continue for this year’s award winners!


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