Christmas Break is now just around the corner and we are approaching the second half of the season. Myself and my family wish everyone a fun and safe Christmas holiday.
After Christmas the playoffs will arrive fast for all divisions in house major. I know there has been hurdles and challenges teams have had to overcome through the season but expect very competitive playoff rounds from all teams.
All schedules for the playoff s will soon be entered and displayed on the Windsor Minor’s website. www.wmha.net .
The playoffs for each division will work in a full round robin format.
At the end of the round robin and depending on what place each team ends up finishing, there will be two formats for semi-finals.
In a six (6) team division (Midget/Juvie) there will be two (2) semi-final games. 1st place will play 4th place and 2nd place will play 3rd place. The fifth and sixth place teams will be eliminated. In a 4(4) team division (Bantam) , the first place team, after the playoffs, will get a buy into the Day of Champions while the 2nd and 3rd place teams will play it out in a semi-final game. The fourth place team will be eliminated.
The 2013-2014 Day-Of-Champions will take place at the South Windsor Arena complex on March 2nd 2014. There will again be no gate fees for this event.
All House major awards for the Day-Of-Champions (Bantam through Midget/Juvie) will be handed out on the ice after each championship game.
March 30th (Sunday) – Novice, Atom & Peewee Awards Banquet @ the Serbian Centre Doors open at 12 noon with dinner at 1:00 p.m. Tickets, $10.00 and includes All-u-can-eat pasta & salad. Please contact the Serbian Centre in starting January for tickets.
April 4th (Friday) - VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION Banquet @ The Serbian Centre Doors open at 6:30 p.m. dinner 7:15p.m. This banquet is for VOLUNTEERS of WMHA and WMHA sponsors only.
April 7th (Monday) - WMHA AGM (Annual General Meeting) @ Average Joe’s - Doors open 6:00 p.m. meeting at 6:30 p.m.
June 1st (Sunday) – WMHA 2013-14 Registration – 10am till 2pm At location yet to be determined. Please look at WMHA’s website www.wmha.net for cost in each division.
I cannot stress enough the importance of having as many WMHA registrants tryout for all travel teams in the division they play in. Each year, a huge effort is put out to strengthen our association’s travel teams and to make sure more opportunities are offered to more players so that they can experience a travel program. The tryouts a not long after the season ends so if you are thinking of trying out start preparing for it early. Tryouts start sometime in spring. Times and dates will be posted on www.wmha.net
Do not hesitate to contact myself at [email protected] or Rob Lapointe at [email protected] if you have any questions and we will do our best to get the answers you need in a timely fashion.
On behalf of Rob Lapointe and myself we wish all teams the best of luck in the run to the 2013-2014 playoffs and look forward to seeing all of you at the Day of Champions.
Let’s keep enjoying this great sport and our kids playing it.
Best of luck,
Thanks Always
Ken Strong
V.P. of House Major
Windsor Minor Hockey Association