Travel tryouts for the 2020/2021 Season, News (Windsor Minor Hockey Association)

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Jan 28, 2020 | Kipp Van Kuren | 2195 views
Travel tryouts for the 2020/2021 Season
Our travel tryouts for the upcoming 2020/2021 season will be held between May 2nd and May 9th at Central Park Athletics.  These tryouts will be for Peewee major/minor, Bantam major/minor, and Midget minor.  All Atom, Novice and Midget major teams will tryout in September.  This is due to the new Hockey Canada Atom pathway.

Please check back as we will be posting the tryout schedule for May 2-9th in the coming weeks.

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Club 240
Founded by the late Jimmy Hogan, inductee into the Windsor-Essex County Sports Hall of Fame in 1999. Club 240 had its beginnings in 1960, when Jimmy’s kids started playing outdoor hockey at Memorial Park. At that time the only league operating indoors was Midget; the outdoor season was limited to only 7 or 8 games, as the city didn’t allow teams to go beyond the league into the Ontario Minor Hockey Association playdowns (OMHA).
Sharp EH!
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