TRAVEL COACH EVALUATION FORM (Windsor Minor Hockey Association)

Evaluation results will be seen by The VP of Travel and Director of Coaching ONLY. Coaches will NOT get to see their evaluation forms, but may be given a general outline of the results. If you aren't comfortable submitting electronically you can complete the form linked in the article and email to [email protected] or drop off the printed form in the mail slot on the door to the Adie Knox board room in a sealed envelope marked Attn: Doug Tellerd Parents of U16A2 players can submit via paper or email to keep their submissions confidential


This form is confidential. The VP of Travel and Director of Coaching will be reviewing the responses. The information on this form is held in strict confidence. U16A2 Parents can submit via email


Rate the following 10 questions: 1 star: strongly disagree, 2 stars: disagree, 3 stars: no opinion, 4 stars: agree, 5 stars: strongly agree

Thank you for completing this form.