Welcome to Novice Major for the 2015/16 season! We are looking forward to another action packed year!
Windsor Minor is run completely by volunteers and we are always looking for more people. If you are interested in being a coach, assistant coach, manager, trainer, convenor or an on ice helper, please contact Jodi or Tim before the season begins. That way the necessary clearances can be completed before the first day.
We invite you to go to our sponsors and tell them you are with Windsor Minor. They will help you find and size the equipment that you will need. This is the necessary equipment for your player:

We want to ensure a safe experience for the players and families. With safety, there are rules from the OMHA that we need to follow. Mouth guards and neck guards are MANDATORY. If either piece of equipment is missing, they will not be allowed on the ice. There are no exceptions. It can be difficult for a young player to adjust to wearing a mouth guard. We recommend buying a one before the season begins and have them wear it while playing at home. The mouth guard will start to feel more natural while they are involved in an activity.
Parents and families are not allowed behind the bench or on the ice at any time. Only certified volunteers are allowed. Parents are also asked not to open the arena doors around the ice. This could cause injury to the players. If your son or daughter needs anything, have them speak to the coaching staff. We ask that you follow these rules, as they are applied to all age groups at Windsor Minor.
In Novice Major, there will be practices on Saturdays and games on Sundays. Times will vary on the team’s individual schedule. The season will begin after Labour Day with three weeks of tryouts. Coaches (not necessarily yours for the year) will call you with times and dates to be at the arena. If you do not hear from anyone by September 8th, please email Jodi Cullen or Tim Murphy. Do not worry about tryouts. Everyone makes a team. We have tryouts because we believe in fair play. We try to draft teams that have equal talent so we have a level playing field. Here is what to expect:
Week One:
Go to the table in the lobby with your player’s helmet. A numbered sticker will be placed on the helmet for time trials. Please report to the table each day as we will be taking attendance. The Saturday and Sunday will be basic practice sessions. They will go through some of the drills for time trials.
Week Two:
Saturday – they will practice the drills for time trial
Sunday – Time trials take place. Each player will be timed in 4 areas of skating.
Week Three:
You will be contacted before the third week with a new time. Scrimmages will take place on Saturday and Sunday. Please report to the table each day for a bib to wear over their jersey. Bibs are to be returned after the scrimmages. The time you are called will not indicate whether your child made Tier 1 or Tier 2. That will not be determined until the draft is completed.
Goalies will be evaluated separately and the times may be different from the players.
After scrimmages, the draft will take place. Your coach for the season will contact you with the necessary details. All rosters are final and will not be changed.
If you have any other questions, please email Jodi or Tim. We look forward to the beginning of a new season and to seeing you in September!
Jodi Cullen – Vice-President of Tyke and Novice
[email protected]
Tim Murphy – Director of Tyke and Novice
[email protected]