Goalies - an Integral Part of any Team!, News, Pee Wee 07-08, 2019-2020, House (Windsor Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 05, 2019 | Shannon Munson | 1264 views
Goalies - an Integral Part of any Team!
OMHA states, " Goalies are a vital part of any team and often require position specific drills and skills. It has always been one of the more unique positions in sports."

To help support goalies in their development, WMHA provides equipment for those that need it from Novice to Peewee. 

In this shot - a peewee Goalie sponsored by Bubby's Plumbing and Heating focuses as they prepare for the shots to come! Thanks again to Mari Otero-Jones, Convenor of Atom and Peewee for this great shot!