Important information for volunteers, News (Windsor Minor Hockey Association)

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Aug 31, 2022 | admin | 1380 views
Important information for volunteers
Hello WMHA Families,

It is that time of the year when we need to send in the appropriate lists of players and volunteers to Ontario Minor Hockey Association so our formal rosters can be approved. As such, we need to ensure that all volunteers (coaches, trainers, assistants, convenors, on-ice helpers) are approved to be on the ice and we can get the roster approved!

Here are the minimum requirements:

1. Activity Leader Respect in Sports

Time: 1.5hr

2. Gender Identity and Expression Course

Currently Unavailable

3. Vulnerable Sector Check (to work with youth)

4. Coach Course - Please speak to your VP (Wayne Tomkins [email protected] for House MajorShannon Munson [email protected] and Kipp Van Kuren for Travel [email protected])

5. Trainer Course Hockey Trainers Ontario: Hockey Trainers Ontario: (

Time: 4-6hr depending on the individual

*Note: HTCP Level 1 for those who have never taken it before, or it expired last year or before

HTCP Level 1 Refresher for those who expired August 31, 2021. It must be completed by Oct 31, 2021 and is only 1.5hr in length.

Payments after taking courses

If you have any questions about these or other courses, or issues with your HCR account, please message Judy Wylie at [email protected].
Best regards,
Sharp EH!
Email: [email protected]
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