Happy Holidays from Windsor Minor Hockey, News (Windsor Minor Hockey Association)

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Dec 24, 2023 | Kipp Van Kuren | 1386 views
Happy Holidays from Windsor Minor Hockey
WMHA families, 

It's the time of year for family and holiday cheer.  As most of our programming is on pause through the holidays we do have teams participating in tournaments over the next two weeks.  I wish all of our teams the best of luck and safe travels.

I would also like to thank all of our volunteers for the hard work they put in during the hockey season.  At times it can be a thankless task, but your work does not go unnoticed.  Windsor Minor Hockey provides the best possible programming for our young athletes and it would not be possible without the help of all of our volunteers.  

From the Board of Directors, we wish all of our players, parents, coaches and volunteers, a great, happy and safe holiday season.


Kipp Van Kuren
WMHA President 
Club 240
Founded by the late Jimmy Hogan, inductee into the Windsor-Essex County Sports Hall of Fame in 1999. Club 240 had its beginnings in 1960, when Jimmy’s kids started playing outdoor hockey at Memorial Park. At that time the only league operating indoors was Midget; the outdoor season was limited to only 7 or 8 games, as the city didn’t allow teams to go beyond the league into the Ontario Minor Hockey Association playdowns (OMHA).