WMHA players and families,
The 2024-2025 season is quickly approaching. We look forward to having everyone back on the ice. I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I may be a familiar face to many members. I started as a convenor of u7 in the 2018 season. In the 2020-2021 season I joined the board as a director at large for 3 seasons in the house minor program.This season, I have been elected as the Vice President of the house major program. I’m excited to take on this new role and lead our coaches, players and volunteers to a fun and memorable year of hockey.
U21 will begin on September 3rd 2025 for evaluation skates. This division runs every Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Adie Knox.
U15 will begin September 6th 2025. This division runs Fridays and Saturdays at Adie Knox. Games will be on Friday evenings.
U13 and U11 will begin September 7th 2025. These divisions runs every Saturday and Sunday at Adie Knox.
Please stay tuned for more information with your temporary teams for evaluation skates. Emails will go out soon by August 31st.
If anyone is interested in coaching or volunteering in any house major divisions please reach out. The process for Vulnerable Sector Checks has changed. It will need to be uploaded to OHF and a declaration needs to be completed and uploaded as well. Here is a link for any returning/new volunteers as we need this done asap.