Sep 05, 2014 | Ron Lohnes | 812 views
How exciting, our 2014/2015 season begins tomorrow with our first official game of the season against Tecumseh Eagles.
If the boys play as well as they did in our two exhibition games, we are going to be in for a good exciting season. I know Coach Carl is very excited with what he sees in our kids on-ice abilities.
Congratulations to the boys who were chosen by our Coach as our team Captains:
Liam Kapusniak - C
Brandon Lohnes - A
Carl Labelle - A
Jason Polidori - A
WMHA website: I spoke to the boys tonight in the dressing room to become familiar with our team website. Our website is awesome, it has all kinds of information including games, practices, times, events, tournaments, our game results.... all kinds of stuff. I will be adding news articles, stats, pictures and so on. All parents should be signed up to receive the updates.
Things to remember:
1) boys are expected to be at games 1 hour before game time(30 minutes before practice time)
2) boys must wear team track suit and shirts to all games
3) please have game jerseys on a hanger outside of their hockey bag(can be in a jersey garment bag)
4) bring the 'G' water bottle to games and practice, leave the colored tape on bottle
5) wear running shoes to games
Lastly, make sure you have booked the hotels for our tournaments. These hotels have multiple teams staying at the same hotels and rooms are very tight. If you haven't booked all tournaments yet please do so immediately.
I am waiting for our December tournament hotel selection to be given to me. Once I receive it, I will let everyone know right away.