Mar 05, 2015 | emuxlow | 895 views
Playdowns Semi Finals Game#3 Windsor 9 LaSalle1 2
It was game#3 of the Playdowns and our boys were business as usual in the dressing room. These guys sure to like each other. They joke together, they dance together, they sing together and they play hockey together. A TEAM CONCEPT HAS BEEN THE PHILOSOPHY OF THIS COACHING STAFF.
Does it work? You be the judge.
Our boys were ready for action from the moment they packed up for the arena. The parents certainly knew that these kids were going to have to wipe the smiles off their face and get ready to play. Parental huddles were taking place before the game giving last minute instructions to the players before they temporarily gave away their role as mentor to the coaches.
Many parents were concerned - "focus on the game - get ready to play" - all the while the party continued. "Don't waste your energy, think about the game" - the kids partied on. This has been a tough and physical series and with LaSalle1 on the ropes they are going to be dangerous.
As the parents left the dressing room they were anxious. The pre-game skate was business as usual. Just prior to the drop of the puck the BOOMING voice of Johnny B scream out "LETS GO WINDSOR" - all is normal - all is well but something isn't sitting right, something is different.
Period 1
The puck drops and under a minute into the game Windsor goes up 1-0. The game continues and LaSalle is battling hard but something is different. Windsor fires off a few shots and controls the puck. The Windsor passing is crisp and their movement is swift. Something is different. We are firing on all cylinders. LaSalle is playing well but the game is ours - I don't think we allowed a shot on goal in the first period. At the end of one Windsor is winning 1-0.
Period 2
The period begins and again Windsor is a step quicker, using puck movement and hockey smarts to play their game. The bounces are going our way there are no penalties - something is different. I think this is the best period of our entire season. We aren't making any mistakes, we are winning battles, we are looking for the open man, we are keeping sticks on the ice, we are challenging the opposing team - blocking lanes, getting between the puck and the net. We are working so well as a unit it is quite impressive. In the end we win the period against this top level opponent 7-0. After two it is 8-0 Windsor.
Period 3
In period 3 we take the foot off the gas but still play impressive hockey. I'm glad it wasn't a perfect period because it means we can still improve upon our performance. As the game ends Windsor wins 9-2 and enjoy a quick on ice celebration.
LaSalle1 has enjoyed a successful season and should be proud of their finish. They had started the beginning of the season strong and maintained their standing. Now go give - em heck as you move into the playoffs!! Thanks for an entertaining series LaSalle1!!
For our boys lets keep it going!! Hopefully we get some frequent practice time in during our time off to support our winning ways.
1-2-3 F
Windsor 1-7-1 9
LaSalle1 0-0-2 2
Windsor wins series 3-0 in games and 6-0 in points.